Wednesday, January 26, 2011

William Henry Fox Talbot

Talbot was born on February 11, 1800 at Melbury Abbas. He was a well educated man, studying at Harrow and Trinity College. He wrote a lot of papers . His first was "Some Experiments on Colored Flame" and he contributed it to the Edinburgh Journal of Science. He wrote "Monochromatic Light," and contributed it to the Quarterly Journal of Science in 1827. A number of papers on chemical subjects, including one on "Chemical Changes of Color" he sent to the Philosophical Magazine. In 1844 he published his first book called Pencil of Nature. He also published Hermes, or Classical and Antiquarian Researches (1838-39), and Illustrations of the Antiquity of the Book of Genesis (1839). He was the author of English Etymologies (1846). He died at Lacock Abbey on September 17, 1877. Death is unknown.

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